For two magical weeks from February 13 to March 1, the Surfers Paradise Foreshore will come to life with a sand-tastic display of sculpting talent as part of the 2015 Sand Safari.
Families are encouraged to visit the Surfers Paradise Foreshore to admire the art of sand sculpting as each sculptor competes for the 2015 Australian Sand Sculpting Championships.
Spectators can watch the stories unfold as sculptors interpret the theme of ‘Magical Friendships’, presented by Disney, where international sand sculptors battle it out for the coveted title and visitors vote for their favourite finished product for the People’s Choice Award.
Presented by Streets Ice Cream, the sandy experience will once again extend beyond Surfers Paradise as a magical Sand Trail is created with intricately carved sand sculptures popping up in hotel lobbies, libraries, shopping centres and public spaces across the Gold Coast.
An initiative of the Surfers Paradise Alliance and designed as an interactive event, Sand Safari offers plenty of free activities for families and children alike including beachfront sand sculpting workshops, sand art, sand bottle making and more.
For more information, please visit the Surfers Paradise website.
Sand Safari presented by Streets Ice Cream
Dates: Friday 13 February – Sunday 1 March, 2015
Location: Surfers Paradise Foreshore
Cost: Free
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