Nurtured Heart Approach Australia Full Day Advanced Workshops

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Date(s) - 18/02/2015
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Nurtured Heart Approach Australia


NEW!!!! At your request, this workshop has now been extended to a full-day!  This workshop is designed for those health professionals, teachers, or parents carers who have already completed the basics of the Nurtured Heart Approach either by completing a 6-week course or a NHA workshop and wish to take their understanding to a ‘deeper level’.  If you would like to attend but have not attended a previous NHA Australia course and have an understanding of the basic principles of the Approach, please contact Bart.

This workshop will be filled with case discussions and role plays and therefore an understanding of the basics is needed to get the most from the day. Each workshop will be uniquely tailored to suit the needs of the group

Examples will be drawn from classrooms, therapy sessions and home environments to ensure all areas are touched upon.  This is a great way to enhance your NHA skills and see the techniques ‘in action’ from a variety of perspectives.

For further information please visit the Nurtured Heart Approach Australia website.


Nurtured Heart Approach Australia Full Day Advanced Workshops